Blogging: Tips for Restarting and Relearning

Restarting a Blog

Embarking on a new journey in any environment can be both exciting and daunting. As a 30-something-year-old woman, restarting my blogging journey has been an experience. It has allowed me to rediscover my passion for writing, work towards creating connections with a community of like-minded individuals, and to (hopefully) provide insight and support for other women facing a similar crossroads. Here, I’m sharing the lessons I’ve learned and am continuing to learn along the way. I’m also sharing what the road ahead looks like as I navigate the world of blogging (again).

Embracing the New Perspective for Blogging

So, for the full backstory on what once was branded expedition, I’d start here. Long and short, I started this blog as a solo female travel blog and wrote about just that. Fast forward to life changes, a loss of a “why am I blogging” and a huge loss of all my posts, and here is the new branded expedition.

One of the first lessons I learned as I embarked on this journey was the importance of embracing my unique perspective – your “why”. You’ll see this across branded expedition and its so important. Your “why” is as simple or complex as to why you have a blog. If you don’t have a why, you’ll lose your passion for your blog, you’ll lose interest, readers, and trust.

I could share with you that being a 30-something-year-old woman brings a wealth of life experiences, wisdom, and insights that younger bloggers may not possess. But, that’s not true. What I can tell you is that I’m blogging again to share my experiences in travel, career, and life so that others can relate, or laugh, or learn something new that might work for them.

My Why, but What’s Yours?

Maybe some women need to read a story about traveling in your thirties. Maybe a reader wants to learn if others have a mentor in their career, or need to relate to someone who has moved around the country like seven times, too.

That’s my why. These stories are my own and I hope that readers connect to my content for their benefit, whether it’s learning, laughing, or realizing what not to do.

Celebrate your journey and use it as a foundation for creating content that resonates with your audience. Authenticity is seriously so key, and sharing your personal stories and lessons learned will set you apart in the blogging world.

Define Your Niche

Blogging really exploded in the past ten years and you can find a blog post about anything now. It can be so daunting to figure out what you want to write about when there are millions of blogs out there. I tried to hack it in the solo female travel blog space and realized I didn’t have a niche. There wasn’t much, if anything, that set me apart from other women who were actually blogging for a full time career. Another reason why I lost the og branded expedition.

In today’s saturated blogosphere, finding your niche is critical. Take the time to explore your interests, passions, and expertise to discover the area where you can truly shine. You may have a wealth of knowledge in various areas, but narrowing down your focus will help you build that loyal audience. Be specific and be intentional. Whether it’s travel, fashion, parenting, wellness, or entrepreneurship, choose a niche that aligns with your passion and offers value to your readers.

Invest in Your Skills

It has taken me a while to really grasp this concept, but if you are going to invest, please, please invest in yourself. I’ve learned that it is truly so rewarding to see what my personal investments have done for me. The feeling of learning something new, overcoming the challenges to acquire the skillsets, and then put into practice? Chef’s kiss.

To succeed in the ever-evolving blogging landscape, continuous learning is essential. Take advantage of the vast resources available online to enhance your skills. There are loads of blogging courses and resources just a google or Pinterest search away – many are free! Take the time to learn a new skill that will help boost your blog. That could be to improve your writing, learn about SEO strategies, understand social media marketing, or explore photography and graphic design. By investing in yourself and acquiring new skills, you will be equipped to create high-quality content and engage with your audience effectively.

Build a Supportive Community

macbook pro on brown wooden table

When I first started branded expedition, it felt like a very solitary pursuit. I struggled with a lot of things, particularly engagement, but I realized that for me to have my own supportive community, I needed to be part of other bloggers’ communities, too. What I found was that I needed to make other blogger friends and learn from them. I learned from others and applied their techniques to see what worked for me. Some things did and other things didn’t, but that’s what I love about this space, too. We’re all sharing this space to support and uplift each other so let’s share ideas and tips for each other.

Seeking out and connecting with other bloggers in your niche or related fields is so important. Join blogging communities, attend conferences, and engage in online forums to establish meaningful connections. Networking not only provides invaluable support and guidance but also opens doors to collaboration opportunities, guest posting, and cross-promotion. Remember, in this vast digital world, there is room for everyone to thrive. Blogging shouldn’t be a solo activity!

Stay Consistent and Persistent

This was a major challenge that I met time and time again. I’m in marketing and comms.; I am on my computer for my career all day long, so the last thing that I wanted to do after a hellish day at the office was to come home and “work” some more. That was it right there. branded expedition felt like work. After losing the original branded expedition, I realized that it felt like work because I wasn’t enjoying what I was writing about. I’ve said this a few times, but one more for the road: I lost my “why”. I lost why I was blogging and why I was writing.

As I put thought into this, I realized was trying to fit into a typical blogger mold that wasn’t me. I wanted those sponsored brand trips and to essentially build clout (a word I really hate now). But, I also was using branded expedition to fill a void. The truth is though, I was unhappy. I was unhappy in my career, my relationship (and then lack-thereof), my living and financial situation, and with myself. I sometimes used branded expedition as a crutch instead of a platform. There was no consistency and I wasn’t persistent because I wasn’t blogging for the right reasons.

Building a Successful Blog

So, here’s what I’ve learned: building a successful blog takes time and dedication. As a 30-something-year-old woman, you may have other commitments and responsibilities, but don’t let that deter you. Establish a realistic posting schedule that aligns with your lifestyle and stick to it. Consistency is key to building an engaged audience and gaining traction, but don’t lose sight of your why. Persistence is crucial when facing setbacks or challenges or general life happenings. Embrace the learning process, adapt to changes, and keep moving forward with determination. Now, that is something I repeat to myself on a regular basis and so should you.

The Road Ahead

As I start again on my blogging journey as a 30-something-year-old woman, I have a new outlook and that is this: the road ahead holds endless possibilities. So do you! Whether through sharing personal stories, providing helpful tips, or engaging in meaningful conversations, make that meaningful and intentional impact on your readers’ lives. Be excited and open to evolving with the ever-changing digital landscape, experiment with new formats, collaborate with fellow creators, and nurture authentic connections.

Restarting a blogging career will definitely be a transformative experience. I’m here for it and you should be, too. It can allow you to rediscover passions, embrace unique perspectives, share hardships, and to make lasting connections. Like all journeys, this one will have ups, downs, highs, and lows. It’s so worth it, so share your why with us!

What’s that saying that would so cliche to sign off this post with? Oh yea, it’s not the destination, but the journey.

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