Saying ‘No’: Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Yourself

Okay so I’m going to say this up front: saying ‘no’ is okay! Actually, it’s more than okay, it’s needed. Here’s why. As women in our thirties, we sometimes find ourselves juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, at home and at the office. We are constantly pulled in different directions, trying to meet the expectations of others while neglecting our own needs. In the midst of this chaos, one of the most powerful tools we can harness is the ability to say ‘no.’ It’s definitely tough, I know.

Setting boundaries and prioritizing ourselves is not selfish; it is a true act of self-care and empowerment. In this blog post, I’m sharing with you the importance and power of saying ‘no’. I’m also diving in to some tips to set healthy boundaries that will hopefully boost well-being and bring balance.

The Importance of Setting Boundaries

Boundaries are the lines we draw to protect our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Think of them as the guidelines that define what we are willing to accept and what we are not. As women, we often find it challenging to set boundaries due to societal expectations or fear of disappointing others. As a woman, I hate that, but I’m so so guilty of it.

However, failing to establish boundaries can lead to a serious burnout, wicked resentment, and a diminished sense of self. I can totally attest to that, too. By being that ‘yes’ person and people-pleasing, I lose self-quality, too. My deliverables aren’t my best work, I’m rushing to make deadlines, and slipping on things that are important to me (um like sleep). We can stop this! By learning to say ‘no’ when necessary, we can reclaim our power, preserve our energy, and create space for what truly matters.

Recognizing Your Worth

Saying ‘no’ is not an act of selfishness; it is an act of self-respect. It is a declaration that our time, energy, and well-being are valuable and deserving of protection. When we prioritize ourselves, we send a message to the world that we matter. Remember, you are worthy of setting boundaries.

It’s okay to say ‘no’ to things that do not align with your values or contribute to your growth. Actually, it’s more than okay, you should! Embrace the notion that your needs are just as important as anyone else’s. They are.

Understanding Your Priorities

the importance of saying 'no' and setting boundaries

If we’ve made it this far, we know the importance of boundaries. But, how do we set them and how do we keep them? To effectively set boundaries for ourselves, it is so important to have a clear understanding of your own priorities. As priorities change, your boundaries change, too, and that’s okay!


Take the time to reflect on what truly matters to you in this phase of life. What are your values, goals, and aspirations? Write them down and list them in order of importance. By identifying your priorities, you can make more intentional choices and align your actions with your vision. By saying ‘no’ to activities or commitments that do not serve your priorities, you create space for what truly brings you joy, fulfillment, and growth.

Learning to Say ‘No’

Saying ‘no’ is a skill that requires practice and self-assurance. Honesty moment here, but I struggle with this all the time. Here’s what helps me: start by acknowledging that saying ‘no’ is not a negative or confrontational act; it is an act of self-care. Be respectful, assertive, and firm in your response. Practice saying ‘no’ without providing lengthy explanations or apologies.

Remember that it is okay to take time before responding to requests and asks. Allow yourself the opportunity to evaluate said request to see if it aligns with your priorities and capacity. By mastering the art of saying ‘no,’ you empower yourself to say ‘yes’ to the things that truly matter.

Setting Boundaries and Saying ‘No’ in Relationships

Like I mentioned earlier, saying ‘no’ just isn’t for the workplace. It’s for relationships, as well, and here’s why: establishing boundaries within relationships is essential for maintaining healthy connections. Communicate your boundaries clearly and openly, allowing others to understand and respect your needs. Be prepared for potential resistance or pushback, but that’s natural. Stand firm in your decision because, for you, it’s the right one.

To help with this, I suggest surrounding yourself with individuals who value and support your boundaries. A mentor can totally help (read up on why here)! Remember that setting boundaries is not about controlling others but about safeguarding your well-being.

Final Thoughts on Saying ‘No’

As women in our thirties, we have reached a stage in life where we understand the importance of self-care, personal growth, and well-being. We know what’s important to us and why. Saying ‘no’ and setting boundaries are not acts of selfishness; they are powerful tools for self-preservation and empowerment. By recognizing our worth, understanding our priorities, and learning to say ‘no’ respectfully, we create a life that aligns with our values and brings us true fulfillment.

My final takeaway for you is this: embrace the power of saying ‘no’ and watch as your life shifts for the greater good, allowing you to prioritize yourself and create a beautiful balance between your own needs and the demands of this wild world around you.

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